Friday 3 February 2012

Another Blog Name

I am thinking of setting up another blog. I know I know. This blog is of what only 2 or 3 days old and this is my 3rd blog, but I kind of want to blog about certain things in an organized way. According to categories. I was thinking I can do a cooking blog, and then maybe more of an artistic blog that includes my drawing, paintings, photography and poetry. I was also thinking of a very personal blog, like diary style but not the whole diary type where you will read stuff like"DEAR DIARY, I LIKE THIS BOY AND HE DOES NOT LIKE ME. WHY?? WHY? I WANT TO DIE!!" lol not that kind of stuff. I just have stuff I need to express myself with. and I need something to use to rant. I was actually thinking of one more blog too. One for just strictly my poetry (which is doing well for those of you who do follow me on that).  Anyways I better go to bed. I was suppose to head off the bed in my last post that I did before I posted this one. I just had to get this out there before I forget. Anyways good night once and for all.

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